Levon Thomas Scholarship

The Homenetmen Los Angeles Executive Committee has decided to implement an annual academic scholarship program, dedicated to the memory of Y. Levon Thomas.
Y. Levon has had a lasting impact on our chapter’s current and former members. He was dedicated, talented, and had many interests, excelling both athletically in basketball and soccer teams, as well as a khmpabed in our scouting division. He is the embodiment of the type of young leader Homenetmen strives to raise, and he lived our motto of “Partsratsir, Partsratsoor”.
Accordingly, to encourage the next generation of Armenian American youth to follow in his footsteps, the Levon Thomas Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to two individuals each year. One award will go to any active Homenetmen Los Angeles member, and the second award will go to a graduating senior from Rose and Alex Pilibos High School. Each award will be for $500 to be applied towards their higher education.
We hope that with this small but important step, Y. Levon’s contributions to our chapter will never be forgotten, and he will be an inspiration to others in the years to come.
IMPORTANT: The application deadline for the 2022 award is June 5th, and all information on the application process for active LA members can be found on this page in the file below. We encourage all eligible athletes, scouts, and general members to apply for this great opportunity to support your academic goals.
Scholarship applications can be downloaded from the links below.