46th Navasartian Games & Festival

Birmingham High School 17000 Haynes St, Van Nuys, CA, United States

Organized by Homenetmen Western USA, the Navasartian Games launched in East Los Angeles in 1975. It now boasts the participation of 300 teams, 3,200 athletes, 1,100 scouts and attracts over 35,000 spectators over a period of eight weeks each year. The games culminate on the weekend of the Fourth of July, with a festival and...

Scout Open House

Rose And Alex Pilibox Armenian School 1615 N Alexandria, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The scouting division will have an Open House on September 10th, to introduce our program to new families who may not know much about Homenetmen LA. We invite all parents and kids who have heard about scouting to come and learn what the Homenetmen program is all about - we will have several hands-on stations...

Aid for Artsakh

The unfolding humanitarian disaster in Artsakh over the past few weeks has led to 100,000 fellow Armenians leaving their homes, travelling to Armenia to escape Azeri aggression and atrocities. Our refugee sisters and brothers from Artsakh need our material support now to provide clothing, food, and shelter to overcome these incredibly challenging conditions. Although the...

55th Anniversary Gala

De Luxe Banquet Hall 237 E Olive Ave, Burbank, United States

Due to the unfolding situation in Artsakh, and the passing of our beloved member K. Hourig Fournouzian, the Homenetmen Los Angeles Chapter Executive Board has decided to cancel the 55th Anniversary Celebration Gala.   We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Artsakh.   Tickets and Sponsorships

October General Meeting

Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

October General Meeting to Elect Regional Delegates The Homenetmen Los Angeles Chapter Executive Committee invites all qualified members for a special general meeting which will take place on Thursday October 26th 2023 at 7:30pm in the Hollywood ACF Center, located at 1559 N. Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA  90027. To qualify for this meeting, you...

Paint with a Purpose

Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Homenetmen LA will be organizing a special Paint Event on November 5th, with Artsakh as the theme. Special thanks to Kouyr Lisa Ter-Minasian (www.findingmonalisa.com) who will be donating her time to support us. All proceeds to be donated to aid families displaced from Artsakh. Register

Ardzvig Hollywood Boulders Field Trip

On Sunday, November 12, our Ardzvigs will be going on a field trip to Hollywood Boulders, where they can test their strength and acrobatic skills on different types of rock climbing walls! The cost per scout is $45.00, which includes lunch and transportation. Scouts do not need to be in full uniform, however, all scouts...

Ari/Arenoush Santa Barbara Day Trip

Join us for a fun day in Santa Barbara on November 19th! Meet up time is at 7AM from Pilibos, and we'll return by 7PM. The cost covers food, transportation and activities. Remember to wear your chapter shirt or sweater and bring your poghgab. Secure your spot now by making the payment using the link...

55th Anniversary Scout Hantes

Barnsdall Gallery Theatre 4800 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Homenetmen LA scouting division is organizing a very special Scout Hantes to commemorate the chapter's 55th anniversary. The program will include performances from all of our kailig, ardzvig, ari, arenoush and gagough tatig groups. Please join us at at Barnsdall Gallery Theatre on Sunday, Dec. 17th!

Ararat Home Visit

Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Scouting Division will continue it's annual tradition of visiting our elders at Ararat Home in Mission Hills, entertaining them with a program full of songs and ganches.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Family of Shahan Dakessian and the Homenetmen LA chapter are organizing a very special Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Shahan Dakessian.  The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest and most prestigious award a Scout can achieve, demonstrating Shahan’s leadership, perseverance, and a commitment to community service. Shahan’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor...

Arenoush OC Ropes Course

Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

On Sunday, March 3rd, our Arenoush group will be going to the "OC Ropes Course". We will gather at the Agoump at 7:30 am and return by 1:00pm. Get ready to conquer challenges and enjoy an exciting day with your fellow scouts! The cost is $65 per scout and includes food.  Payment Link: >>> Click...