Ari/Arenoush Santa Barbara Day Trip
Join us for a fun day in Santa Barbara on November 19th! Meet up time is at 7AM from Pilibos, and we'll return by 7PM. The cost covers food, transportation...
55th Anniversary Scout Hantes
Barnsdall Gallery Theatre 4800 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe Homenetmen LA scouting division is organizing a very special Scout Hantes to commemorate the chapter's 55th anniversary. The program will include performances from all of our kailig, ardzvig, ari,...
Ararat Home Visit
Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe Scouting Division will continue it's annual tradition of visiting our elders at Ararat Home in Mission Hills, entertaining them with a program full of songs and ganches.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesThe Family of Shahan Dakessian and the Homenetmen LA chapter are organizing a very special Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Shahan Dakessian. The rank of Eagle Scout is the...
Arenoush OC Ropes Course
Los Angeles Chapter Agoump 1559 N Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesOn Sunday, March 3rd, our Arenoush group will be going to the "OC Ropes Course". We will gather at the Agoump at 7:30 am and return by 1:00pm. Get ready...
Ardzvig “Off The Wall” Field Trip
On Sunday, March 10th, our Ardzvigs will be going on a field trip to Off The Wall, where they will embark on a journey of fun doing activities such as...
Ari Khoump USS Iowa and LA Maritime Museum Field Trip
On Sunday, June 16th, the Ari khoump will be going to the USS Iowa and LA Maritime Museums in San Pedro. Scouts will meet up at 8:45am at our agoump...
Kailig VR Escape Room Trip
On Sunday, March 10th, our Kailigs will be going on a field trip to Cypher VR, where they can test their puzzle solving and intellectual skills in various escape rooms!...
Alumni Social
Mr Furley's 224 N. Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA, United StatesThe Homenetmen LA Alumni Committee is happy to announce a fun-filled Social on Friday, April 5th at Mr. Furley's Bar in Glendale! Join us for a night filled with fun,...
Bowling Night
Back Alley Bowl 9118 Balboa Blvd, Northridge, CA, United StatesThe Homenetmen LA Parents Committee is proud to present a fun-filled Bowling Night on Saturday, April 6th! A bunch of lanes have been reserved for our group at Back Alley...
LA Chapter Weekend Camp – 2024
Homenetmen Camp Tecuya 11701 Frontier Rd, Frazier Park, CA, United StatesJoin us for our upcoming LA Chapter x Fresno Chapter Weekend Camp at Camp Tecuya from April 19th-21st! This "Kordznagan" camp will be a great opportunity for scouts to learn...
Fresno Games
Roosevelt High School 4250 E Tulare St, Fresno, CA, United StatesThe Fresno Sassoon chapter has once again organized a Homenetmen Basketball Tournament for U11-U14 divisions. Register